Equine Therapy Directory

Find equine therapy centers in your area. We have categorized equine therapy centers based on country, state, and city. Our horse therapy center directory currently covers the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and Bermuda.

If you want to find an equine therapy center based on your current location, see Equine Therapy Near Me.

If you know of an existing equine therapy center that is not listed in our horse therapy center directory, let us know by leaving a comment below.

South Carolina

Johns Island

(843) 559-6040
Johns Island, South Carolina 29455

  • Equine Therapy CertificationEquine therapy certification can be obtained by a professional who wants to practice equine therapy or who wants to be an equine mental health specialist.
  • Equine Therapy InformationEquestrian therapy, or equine therapy or equine-assisted therapy, is a form of therapy that makes use of horses to help promote emotional growth in individuals with disabilities.
  • Equine Therapy ProgramsHere are some of the facilities that offer equestrian therapy programs.

10 thoughts on “Equine Therapy Directory”

  1. This web site is not very useful. I click on California and I get a list of about 100 places in alphabetic order with no location. Listing by country would be much more useful. The map shows no centers at all. I don’t think it’s working properly.

    • Hi Valerie,

      Thank you for your feedback. Sorry, we don’t have the capability to categorize the centers by county yet.

      But if you’re looking for an equine therapy center near you, we recommend using this page: https://www.equestriantherapy.com/horse-therapy-near-me/. It will automatically determine your location based on your IP address, and then display nearby centers (if any). If you don’t see a center, click the “Find nearby help” button.

      Hope this helps!

      Equestrian Therapy Staff

    • Virginia, please use the contact form to send us information about your center, including:

      – Name
      – Address
      – Phone number
      – Email address
      – Website address/URL
      – Activities offered
      – Disabilities that are supported

      It would also be great if you could include a short writeup about your center/organization and, if preferred, a photo and a copy of your logo.

      This way, we can provide a more complete profile of your center.


  2. I am interesting in Equestrian Therapy.
    I would like to help children in need threw Equestrian therapy.
    I work at Drakenstein Stud in South Africa and love to work with horses but my passion is to help children with disabilities.
    I believe I could make a difference.

    If you know of an Equestrian Therapy Centre in South Africa I would like to have their details.

    Kind Regards

  3. Hi my name is Rose Makar. I am interested in trying therapy with a horse, I have anxiety and depression and I was told that maybe this could help me. Please give me more details as far as location near Chicago and how much


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